Welcome to EQstudents elearning course!


Welcome to the EQstudents e-learning platform!

The e-course for teachers and parents “Emotional Intelligence: what teachers and parents can do” is part of the Erasmus Plus EQ Students project. 

EQ Students is a unique project that aims to counteract the lack of structured teaching in national educational systems regarding the development of the components of Emotional Intelligence in primary and lower secondary schools. The EQ Students project is a response to these identified needs, as it aims to develop, test and implement a comprehensive system to support the development of emotional intelligence (EQ) of school-age children (ages 6 - 15), with the active participation of primary and lower secondary schools, parents, experts and project partners in participating countries. In the long-term perspective, the project will help build an emotionally intelligent generation, increase awareness of EQ in schools and in the labor market.

The “Emotional Intelligence: what teachers and parents can do” training is divided in two courses, one specific for teachers and the other specific for parents. It is an asynchronous multi-media training that includes videos, study materials and evaluation questionnaires to validate acquired knowledge. The objective of the course is to support parents and teachers in the development of emotional intelligence in their pupils and children.

To access the training please register and choose which course you would like to take. You will receive an email with your credentials and immediate access to the material.

Enjoy browsing and have a good time studying!

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